Monday, March 19, 2007

welcome to my nightmare

Based on an actual dream I had a couple nights ago. I fell asleep with a mild headache and, next thing I know, for some reason my dad was squeezing me in a headlock! And-I swear this is true- he actually started crushing my skull! The pain was bad enough (from the headache I assume) that I woke up with my skull still throbbing. Spooooky!
I should point out that my dad is actually not a mythological beast, devouring virgins at the heart of deadly labyrinth, but apparently we have some issues to work through.

1 comment:

Matt E Wood said...

The popping eyeball pulls it all together. Fucking scarey to dream about murderous parental figures though.DAMNM! Incredible textures, man, I luvit. So . . . r u a virgin in this picture ?