Monday, March 5, 2007


(Is the gun big enough?)

So, this is mine, a long threatened contribution....Better late than never I guess...thanks to Owen for bustin out a rad nes image in like 2 hours last night....motivated me to finally put something together. Hopefully people dig this and see that not everything on here has to be a freakishly rendered muscle bound behemoth (not that there's anything wrong with that). I guess this guy still falls into that category somewhat, but nevermind that...Now let's see some work people!

In other news, I'd like to throw out a suggestion for the next project-
Super-Heroines! I figure it's about time we got some chicks around, yeah...go draw!



Man, I couldn't put my finger on it until just now but the coolest thing you carried over from the game is that crazy hunch-ey running-and-shooting posture, where they seemed like they were always about to tip over forward and had to keep shooting to keep their balance or something. Also sweet coloring, I'm glad the inks still get to stand out along with the colors.

kyungduk said...

great piece! very bold