Monday, March 19, 2007

the latest nightmare

I haven't put much thought to this reoccurring dream until it came back about two weeks ago.
In it, I am floating peacefully with a dreamy expression on my face, staring at the clouds above my head as they slowly trip upwards into the warm sky. There is always a loud, clapping sound that explodes in my ears beneath the deep, soothing, emerald ocean water, echoing through the watery caves of my ears, shooting needles into my pin cushion heart (this is where I usually wake up with my clammy hands over my ears and sweat beading up on my forehead). With an arching snap my head sends cascading drops of salty water into a rainbow above my head. I look around me, left and then right. I am at the belly of the open ocean. Everywhere I look is a con caving water/sky line and the smell of the ocean and a hot breeze calling and crawling around the backs of my ears. I hear a loud clap behind me. As I spin I clap my arm against the water around me sending a wall of rippling water 180 degrees around me. Beyond the wake of the splash is a pair of hands pressed together in prayer and moving quickly through the water in the manner of a shark's fin. The sound of a thousand clapping hands slaps the back side of my head. As I jerk my head around feel the pressure of a hand slowly clasping around my bicep. I flinch away and look around beneath me into the dark water. I look up and see praying hands encircling me. I feel a slight tug at my hair from the rear of my head. Hands cover my eyes and I taste the salt water down my throat. I always wake up right before the hands pull me under completely and I am always kicking my sheets off when I awake. A couple of times, after I awaken, there is an image in my head of a woman or of a girl's head floating slightly above the surface of the rough water.


Matt E Wood said...

I am in need of a photoshop crash course, but besides that, there is only a couple o'things that I am thinking over about the compostion of this image. One, should there be a more definite horizon line and second, should i keep the floating head in the middle and highlight the mystery of the prayer sharks or is she a good fit ?


imao the horizon as the top of the page actually kind of works to define the space, and the head in the top center I think also works fairly well, but if you were to color it or just try a pass over/under the line-art with tone, I'd say to play down it's prominence. it'd be perfect as sort of a second- "wait, what the f-" read. Also, if you want to bounce any photoshop questions off me i'll be glad to help if i can with the few moves i know. p.s. this is a rad drawing, 'case i hadn't mentioned it!

Anonymous said...

yeah great job matt...good to see someone else picking up the ball on this one. now if we can just keep it up while surviving the last month of the semester....