Monday, March 19, 2007

stand up, comics.

Here it is for this week, draweys, one 10x15 (proportionately) vertical comic book page. Anything within those proportions is fair game, b/w/color/digital/ink/coffee etc. on anything you want; squirrels/romance/A-Team/B-Team/Atlantis/t-shirts/real-life/mainfesto/mephisto/cristo/and biblical. Ending Sunday 3/25

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel I should mention (especially after our recent conversation, Owen) that technique on this is, as always, NOT necessarily the main emphasis. I realize that doing a comic page in any style seems like a lot of work, but my personal taste goes to both sides of the style/substance argument when it comes to comics. Nobody should feel like they have to bust out a mindbending page of Todd Macfarlane or Akira-level tech wizardry here. There are just as many brilliantly made comics that rely on simple or minimalist drawing. If anyone is curious I suggest checking out artists like Mike Allred, Jeff Smith (not the teacher, see "Bone"), and a recent fave of mine, Sam Hiti, all of whom can be found on the web.