Thursday, May 17, 2007


blah! Um... new theme... hmm. let me think about it, I don't want to put something lame. I'll update in a little bit.

EDIT: okay, how about "Catch 22"? That grab anybody?



Catch 22 isn't bad, I'm sure Evans can crack that one open. I like the landscapemeleon a lot, but what's that behind him, is it a Monopoly board after the rapture?

abazagorath said...

holy crap 6:22 am? I didn't realize we started the
coked up disco addict elimination round already...I guess pulling this off at that hour without a wacom pen accidentally lodged in one of your orifices is enough of an accomplishment. Good job Chad!

chad said...

yeah, it's all pretty much a mess. I didn't get anything going before I had to sleep so I woke up early and crammed that confusasaurus onto a page before work... I think it could be alright but there needs to be a lot more integration between the background an' foreground. And sadly I am not nearly as hardcore as 6:22 might suggest-- I guess this blog is on west coast time, whereas I am rocking the beast coast.