Thursday, May 3, 2007

Cram it, beardo!

So here's the scheme (this is my scheeming face) we abandon this current illustrati format for a dangerous new sudden-death mode, for the next month. Basically anyone who wants to officially do the blog just comments on this by monday, we base the team roster on that list, and then a random topic is chosen, and the first on the list has ONE day to do a piece on that topic and post it, including in their post the SUBJECT on which the next person on the rosters has to create their piece. They then have ONE day and repeat. If you fuck up and miss the deadline, you're out for the next week and can't play until the week after. Basically the idea is that this will a) add some much needed excitement and b) allow people to have something individual that they, and only they, have the chance to really run with. Also it'll be more action to watch, and ultimately less work for each of us, since until we're called off the bench we have no real responsibility to work on or worry about our piece.
So just drop a comment if you're illustrator enough to grab the brass gauntlet by the horns and ride the space cobra, if not, off the field.


abazagorath said...

wait, so am I beardo?

ps. I'm in


Sor, no, that was from a Simpsons or possibly multiple Simpsons that my brain composited into a new "classic" simpsons quote. That was all.
p.s. i'm in there like swimwear as well.

Anonymous said...

this is my rejoinder: I'm rejoining

Josh Evans said...

Sounds good, I'm in. So there's going to be a set order where we post our work each week?


Cool, yeah, i think we'll just take this (in the order of RSVP's) and make it the official batting order for this coming week. I'll set it up as the "Featuring" bar on the right so everyone knows who they're up after.